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Today’s Health News

BP Readings Obtained in Public, Private Spaces Minimally Different


Public-loud and public-noisy BPs show minimal, non-clinically important differences from private quiet BPs

Sleep Apnea Surgery Linked to Lower Risk for Car Accidents for Patients


Risk for motor vehicle accidents lower compared with undergoing CPAP therapy or no treatment

Intensive BP Control Linked to Long-Term Cognitive Benefits


Rates of both MCI and composite of MCI or probable dementia lower with intensive treatment in extended follow-up study

Survival Improved With Lobectomy, Segmentectomy in Early NSCLC


Improved overall and lung cancer-specific survival seen for lobectomy, segmentectomy versus wedge resection

Mortality Lower With Lung Volume Reduction Surgery in Emphysema


Increased mortality, readmission, reintervention seen with endobronchial valve placement versus surgical lung volume reduction

Today’s Health News

AI Techniques ID Optimal Follicle Size, Could Optimize IVF Treatment


Intermediately sized follicles are most important to number of mature oocytes subsequently retrieved

Patients With Diabetes Have Comparable Health Expenses After RYGB or Sleeve Gastrectomy


Total expenditure after surgery does not differ apart from transiently higher expenditure in first six months in RYGB group

Comorbid Chronic Inflammatory Diseases Influence Alopecia Areata Prognosis


Comorbid bronchial asthma associated with higher risk for early-onset, severe, or prolonged alopecia areata

Trump Pauses Disbursement of Global HIV Treatment Funds


PEPFAR could face a funding delay of as long as 180 days

Updated Heart Disease, Stroke Statistics Presented for 2025


Many of the risk factors for heart disease are continuing to increase

Prolonged REM Latency Potential Marker for Alzheimer Disease


Highest tertile of REM latency associated with higher Aβ burden, elevated p-tau181, reduced BDNF levels

Lower Cancer Survival Seen for Residence in Redlined Neighborhoods


Five- and 10-year survival lower for young individuals with cancer residing in redlined neighborhoods

Diabetes Remission Increased With Dapagliflozin Plus Calorie Restriction


Dapagliflozin plus calorie restriction beneficial for patients with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes

Food Insecurity in Pregnancy Linked to Perinatal Complications


Associations attenuated to null with receipt of food assistance during pregnancy, apart from preeclampsia

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Tied to Shorter Life Expectancy


Authors attribute finding to modifiable risk factors and unmet support and treatment needs for co-occurring conditions