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Today’s Health News
Epilepsy Associated With Poor Brain Health
In longitudinal analysis, epilepsy population had elevated risk for neurological diseases and psychiatric disorders
Some Maternal Medications Lower Levels of Protein, Fat in Breastmilk
Significantly lower protein levels seen with SSRIs and steroids; mean fat lower for mothers with other anti-inflammatory drugs
15.4 Percent of 0- to 35-Month-Olds Receive Invalid Vaccine Dose
Of children with minimum age or minimum interval invalid dose, almost 50 percent receive extra doses
Women Wait Longer and Are Less Likely to Receive Lung Transplant
Posttransplant survival significantly higher for female than male recipients; survival no worse with oversized lung transplantation
Higher Radon Exposure Linked to Increased Odds of Gestational Diabetes
Nulliparous, pregnant ever-smokers living in counties with higher radon and those living in counties with higher radon and PM2.5 levels have higher odds of GDM
Disparities Seen in Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Mortality
Older adults, men, non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native persons have the highest rates
Race-, Gender-Related Microaggression Linked to Higher Postpartum BP
Participants who experienced one or more microaggressions had 1.88 and 2.19 mm Hg higher systolic BP from days 1 to 10 and 11 to 85
Individuals With Cancer and an ICD Receive More Aggressive End-of-Life Care
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator presence linked to higher odds of every indicator of aggressive end-of-life care, other than chemotherapy
AI Can Reliably Predict Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy
SCORPIO machine learning system can predict certain outcomes across diverse cancer types and health care settings
Review Reveals Average Life Expectancy After Dementia Diagnosis
More than half of patients move to a nursing home within five years of diagnosis