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Today’s Health News

Minority Groups Less Likely to Receive Diagnostic Services After Abnormal Mammogram


Onsite availability similar across racial and ethnic groups, but minority patients less likely to receive diagnostic imaging after abnormal screening

Depression Tied to Having More Physical Health Conditions


Findings seen both at baseline and for developing new conditions over time, even when adjusting for sociodemographic and lifestyle factors

Calls to Poison Centers on the Rise for Pediatric Exposures to Caffeine Energy Products


17 percent increase in the exposure rate seen for 2011 to 2023

Talazoparib + Enzalutamide Tied to Improved Overall Survival in Metastatic Prostate Cancer


Talazoparib + enzalutamide linked to improved survival for patients with mCRPC unselected for HRR gene alterations

2008 to 2017 Saw Increase in Prevalence of Seniors Free From Disabilities


Findings seen in older adults aged 65 years or older, with more modest improvements seen among baby boomers

Today’s Health News

Traumatic Experiences Associated With Endometriosis


Strongest associations seen for contact, emotional, physical, and sexual traumas

Legalized Sportsbooks Tied to More Searches for Gambling Addiction


Pronounced increases seen in states that introduced online sportsbooks

ASA: Intra-Arterial Tenecteplase Beneficial for Large Vessel Occlusion


Improved likelihood of excellent outcome seen with intra-arterial tenecteplase after successful endovascular recanalization

ASA: Alteplase Ups Outcomes at 4.5 to 24 Hours After Symptom Onset in Acute...


Significantly more patients with acute ischemic stroke achieved primary outcome of 0 or 1 on modified Rankin scale at 90 days

Mobile Prostate Cancer Screening Clinic Can ID the Disease in Disadvantaged Men


127 patients underwent prostate biopsy, with 94 prostate cancers diagnosed; 86.2 percent had clinically significant disease

Testosterone Recovery Linked to Overall Survival in High-Risk Prostate Cancer


Risk for death significantly lower for patients with return of serum testosterone to normal range value

Exercise Regimen Can Improve Fatigue in Patients With Advanced Prostate Cancer


Clinically significant improvement seen in fatigue, and improvement seen in relative peak aerobic capacity with 12-week exercise regimen

NIH Research Funding Drops $1B Under Trump Administration

By India Edwards HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Feb. 18, 2025 (HealthDay News) -- Federal funding for medical research has dropped by roughly $1 billion this year,...

Guidance Provided for PCPs to Identify Biliary Atresia in Newborns by 2 to 4...


Three-step strategy composed of examination of infant eye color, stool color, and prior laboratory results

FDA Approves More Broadly Protective Meningococcal Vaccine


Vaccine helps protect against the A, B, C, W, and Y serogroups of Neisseria meningitidis