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Home-Administered Treatment Shows Promise for Binge Eating


Finding for 10 sessions of transcranial direct current stimulation with attention bias modification training

Intermittent Fasting Aids Early Diabetes Outcomes More Than Drugs


Benefits include improved glycemic outcomes and weight loss at 16 weeks in the short term compared with metformin or empagliflozin

Cannabis Use Tied to Risk of COVID-19 Hospitalizations, ICU Admissions


Findings even after considering cigarette smoking, vaccination status, comorbidities, and other risk factors

SNP rs13194504 AA Genotype Linked to Severity of Tardive Dyskinesia


AA genotype linked to reduced severity, but not occurrence, of TD; no association seen for rs210133 with TD occurrence, severity

Summer COVID Cases Are Rising Across America

By Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, June 25, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- As scorching summer temperatures drive Americans indoors and millions travel for vacations and...

Today’s Health News

U.S. Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence a Public Health Emergency

By Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, June 25, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Gun violence in the United States has become a national public health crisis,...

Abrocitinib Effective, Tolerated for Prurigo Nodularis, Chronic Pruritus


Decrease in Peak Pruritus Numeric Rating Scale for PN, chronic pruritus of unknown origin patients

Health Status, Mental Health Worsened in U.S. Transgender Adults From 2014 to 2022


Doubling seen for prevalence of frequent mental distress and depression

Concerns of Listeria Contamination Prompt Nationwide Ice Cream Recall


No illnesses have been reported to date

For the First Time Since the Pandemic, Pedestrian Death Rates Fall in the U.S.


Rates are still above prepandemic levels, however

COVID-19 Vaccination Not Tied to Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes


Findings for range of neonatal outcomes among individuals receiving vaccine during pregnancy

Substituting Lower-Wage Staff for Registered Nurses Tied to Worse Outcomes


Harms include avoidable patient deaths, readmissions, longer lengths of stay, excess Medicare costs and forgone cost savings

Smoking + RA With Obstructive Pattern Shows Less Spirometry Decline


Whereas patients with RA who never smoked had more decline in percent-predicted forced expiratory volume in one second

ADHD Meds May Help Control Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy


Additional benefits include increased buprenorphine initiation, decreased methadone initiation, and improved buprenorphine retention

Semaglutide Cuts Incidence, Recurrence of Alcohol Use Disorder


Findings show risk cut in half based on electronic health record data