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Today’s Health News

Just Over Half of Children Hospitalized With Flu Receive Antivirals


Factors associated with higher odds of antiviral receipt include clinical influenza testing, ICU admission

Tecovirimat No Aid for Time to Lesion Resolution With Mpox


Additionally, interim analysis shows that the antiviral is safe but has no effect on pain among adults with mild-to-moderate clade II mpox

Study Compares Single-, Double-Purse-String Suture Catheter Insertion Methods in Dialysis


Similar postinsertion complication rates and technical survival rates seen at one, two, and three years

Rheumatoid Arthritis Increases Risk for New Heart Failure


Risk for incident heart failure higher in patients with RA when adjusting for cardiovascular risk factors

Coronary Artery Disease Common in Patients With Cirrhosis


However, cirrhosis may not increase the risk for coronary artery disease

Today’s Health News

Little Medical Education Focuses on Justice-Involved Populations


Findings seen despite the large number of justice-involved people and their unique health needs

Tainted Cucumbers Now Linked to 100 Salmonella Cases in 23 States

By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, Dec. 20, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- An outbreak of salmonella linked to cucumbers has now been tied to 100...

Norovirus Sickens Hundreds on Three Cruise Ships: CDC

By Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, Dec. 20, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Just over 300 people have been sickened in norovirus outbreaks on three different...

Supreme Court to Decide on South Carolina’s Bid to Cut Funding for Planned Parenthood

By India Edwards HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, Dec. 20, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- In a pivotal move, the United States Supreme Court announced Wednesday that it...

Cannabidiol Safe, May Lower Anxiety in Advanced Breast Cancer


CBD did not meet primary end point comparing preingestion to postingestion anxiety, but resulted in lower anxiety levels

Sexual Minority Women Report Better Sexual Functioning Than Heterosexual Women


Findings seen from a survey of female veterans in midlife

High Acceptance Seen for Liver Stiffness Test With Routine Retina Scan in T2DM


77.2 percent of those eligible accepted assessment; high proportion did not have elevated liver stiffness measurement on second transient elastography

Children With Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Likely to Have Asthma


Adjusted odds ratio for asthma was 22.3 for patients with bronchiectasis and situs inversus totalis, indicative of PCD

Light-to-Moderate Wine Consumption Tied to Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk


Findings based on objective urinary biomarker used to measure consumption in older Mediterranean population

Dual-Biomarker Algorithm Can Inform Osteoarthritis Diagnosis


High accuracy seen for cartilage oligomeric matrix protein concentration and the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein to interleukin‐8 ratio