APCs for firearm homicides were similar for Black and Hispanic males aged 15 to 19 years; dramatic increase seen for Black females aged 15 to 19 years
Six HAdV types accounted for 88.3 percent of typed specimens reported during 2017 to 2023
Health sector's share of the economy was similar in 2023 and 2022, but lower than in 2020 and 2021, during height of COVID-19
Ryoncil is first FDA-approved mesenchymal stromal cell therapy for pediatric patients aged 2 months or older
Nine ICD-10 codes were seen more often in children with multiple sclerosis versus controls without MS
Those who exclude food allergens report more food allergy-related psychosocial concerns
Vaccine effectiveness of 52.8 percent seen for ED visits, 52.3 percent for noncritical hospitalization, 50.4 percent for critical hospitalization
Significant association between RA and increased COPD risk seen in both genders, seropositive/seronegative RA
Antiretroviral therapy recommended for all individuals with HIV; recommendations provided for those with specific clinical circumstances
Reductions in weekly migraine days seen at weeks 1 to 4 and in monthly migraine days in first four weeks
Alcohol is more likely associated with nut-induced anaphylaxis when adjusted for age at reaction, male sex
Transgender adults with cirrhosis have higher proportions of anxiety, depression, HIV/AIDS
Risk for new-onset migraine, headache, epilepsy, sleep disorder, mental fatigue increased within months to years after giving birth