Lack of insurance accounts for significant proportion of racial, ethnic disparities in stage III to IV diagnoses across range of cancers
Findings seen for restricting salt, caffeine, and alcohol intake
Semaglutide linked to significantly reduced risk, most strongly compared with insulin and most weakly with other GLP-1 RAs
Findings persist regardless of intensity of physical activity
Findings seen in people with type 2 diabetes
Global coverage with first and third doses of DTPcv and measles-containing vaccine stagnated during 2022-2023
Coverage lower among health care personnel at nursing homes, while coverage for COVID-19 2023-24 vaccine was much lower
Early transcatheter aortic valve replacement bests clinical surveillance for reducing death, stroke, unplanned hospitalization
Type 2 diabetes and hypertension were the major contributors to chronic kidney disease-related deaths among women in 2021
Women with persistently high VMS have increased risk for diabetes versus those with persistently low VMS
Greatest relative increase in diagnosis rate occurred among 26- to 34-year-olds; greater increases seen for females versus males
All five known cases involved men who have sex with men; the rashes cleared up with antifungal treatments
Sleeplessness cuts across political parties equally
Semaglutide results in greater reductions in body weight and pain related to knee osteoarthritis than placebo