Risk score derived from cardiovascular reactivity predictive of adverse outcomes beyond traditional cardiovascular risk factors in CAD
U.S. Census sex-age adjustments improved clinical performance estimates
Approval is targeted for patients with HER2-low or HER2-ultralow metastatic breast cancer with disease progression after endocrine therapy
No increase reported in psychotherapy claims during pregnancy; medication fills returned to prepregancy levels within one month after birth
Significantly lower 15-year cumulative incidence of major adverse liver outcomes seen in those undergoing metabolic surgery
No evidence supports physical exertion without rhabdomyolysis or heat injury causing sudden death in sickle cell trait
Higher variability also linked to cognitive impairment with no dementia and with faster decline in global cognition, episodic memory
An eight-week, nonpharmacological intervention showed significant relationships with pain and biological outcomes
Protective effect more pronounced for ischemic stroke and in women with migraine without aura
TSCP yielded rate of hearing loss of 22 percent in Meniere disease, with no impact of disease duration or follow-up time
Glial fibrillary acidic protein concentrations strongly elevated in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage versus ischemic stroke, stroke mimics
Significant dose-effect seen between flossing frequency and reduction in incident ischemic stroke
Approval is for those who have had prior therapy for unresectable or metastatic disease
Findings seen for patients with somatic alterations in the PI3K signaling pathway
Benefits seen for oxidative stress markers, inflammatory indices, and liver enzymes