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Today’s Health News

More Than Half of People With Rheumatoid Arthritis Have Anemia


Anemia significantly associated with higher disease severity, elevated inflammatory markers

Late Eating Tied to Poor Glucose Tolerance


Glucose tolerance worse for people consuming ≥45 percent daily calories after 5 p.m.

Adverse Outcomes Seen With MS Disease-Modifying Drugs in Pregnancy


Significant reductions seen in birth weight with exposure to certain DMTs, and increase seen in rate of small for gestational age

FDA Approves Symvess, an Acellular Tissue-Engineered Vessel


Acellular tissue-engineered vessel is approved for use in adults as a vascular conduit for extremity arterial injury

Admission Rates Vary Greatly by Emergency Department Physicians


Finding seen despite similar prior health status of patients and subsequent mortality rates

Today’s Health News

Disparities Exist in Use of Obesity-Management Medications


Findings show lower use among Black, Hispanic, and Asian adults versus White adults

Lean Quality Improvement Helps Surgical Residency Programs


Benefits seen for work hours, without negatively impacting preparedness

Acupuncture May Improve Meniere Disease Symptoms


Benefits include symptoms of vertigo, tinnitus, ear fullness, and hearing loss

Biased Language in Patient Handoffs Impedes Accurate Transfer of Clinical Information


Additionally, biased language in patient handoffs decreases empathy among medical trainees

Confidence in Vaccines Both Steady and Rising in U.S. Adults


Increases seen in acceptance for new respiratory syncytial virus vaccines

Breastfeeding Initiation Rates Increased During 2022 Infant Formula Crisis


Increase particularly pronounced among mothers with lower education levels, Medicaid recipients, Black mothers

Prebiopsy MRI Oncologically Safe for Suspected Prostate Cancer


Men with negative mpMRI results avoiding biopsy did not have increased risk for clinically significant prostate cancer

Guidance Issued for Use of Metformin to Prevent Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain


Co-commencement with antipsychotic medications can reduce weight gain by 4.03 kg compared with control

Odds of Metabolic Disease Lower With Fast Subjective Walking Speed in Patients With Obesity


Risks for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia lower in those with obesity based on waist circumference, waist circumference and BMI

Distinct Driving Patterns Seen for Seniors With Major Depressive Disorder


Association observed between adults with MDD and hard braking and hard cornering events per trip